a poem: we are coming

this is the best way i could describe our work…in a poem format…it was inspired by the zulu word “osiyeza” meaning “we are coming” that i heard in a song in the movie “Invictus”

we are coming 

hold on

did you hear me


we are coming


for humanity

for love

for reconciliation 

for community 

for creativity


so we can awaken

our collective character

and exceed our own expectations 

of what we truly can be


because when we take time to see 

all that you are and aspire to be

it inspires me

to expect nothing less

than the absolute best in me


we are coming

to say with

words and actions

we see you

we hear you




i mean every day

that we believe in

all that you are

and all you want to be

so you can say

back to us

it’s been an honor

and i am feeling more like me


we are coming

to build a new reality

where i can

never fully be me

unless you are fully free

where i could never take from you 

because i am so so so committed 

to create with you


because if i am a part of you

and you are a part of me

then the better you are

the better i will be

let me say that again


the better you are


the better i will be


we are coming

to show humanity

that we are

and always will be


fully here


here with you

here for you

here for your very best

here for what your soul longs for

here for what is not yet seen

that only only only you can bring

because when the soul is silenced 

it leads to violence


this is why


it is our time 


our time to believe in us 

because we need us

to bring out

the very very very best in us


so i promise


i promise to give you

everything i have 

even when i want to lie down

i will stand tall

so i can walk with you

get to know you

and share how much

i also need you to stand tall


so together

we answer the call 


we are coming

to honor our promise

of full humanity


for all


quotes on inter dependence